Private guiding, dinners and community…


Private Guiding

Are you feeling stuck in old emotional patterns and do you feel like you are ready for a dramatic change? Are you looking for someone to guide you in the direction of your unique calling? Melony is a nurturer, nomad, and facilitator that will help you find the love and power that you hold that can shape worlds. Through her story and personal experiences she can help you develop your own roadmap towards your highest self. Highly motivational, inspirational, and supportive, she will personally guide you to being the change that you want to feel using her practice that lies at the heart of the Manna Moon movement.


“I am so inspired by Melony’s guidance through her personal journey. By being vulnerable and open to share the lessons learned and still learning, she is leading from experience and a sincere desire to help others see the light at the end of the tunnel”



Private Manna Moon Dinners

Would you like to hold sacred space with your personal or work community to connect more meaningfully or to honor and celebrate change? Do you want to nurture transformation or mark a transition in your life, career, a relationship status, change of life cycle, a milestone birthday, or any shift in your life in a more meaningful way? If you are in the greater Miami or New York area, let us help you plan and host an event to honor change through a personalized Manna Moon Dinner Ceremony.

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Deep Community

Join the Manna Moon Community to start your journey towards being the change that you want to feel. Commune following a Lunar Calendar in person in Miami, or other parts of the country for a dinner ceremony, workshop or event in a private home. Every month we offer a supportive and intimate space to share our deepest feelings and emotions. We use our emotions to guide us and to tap into our power to be agents of change. Our goal is to help you find deeper connections with like spirited souls, and support your practice in personal growth. You will be reminded that you are not alone, and learning more about yourself through and with others.


“What Manna Moon offers is intimacy, a trusted space which allows you to exhale and surrender to the support of community and the universe. I have learned that vulnerability is a strength and by sharing, I give others permission to let me know who they are as well. We learn so much about how alike we are and most importantly that we are never alone.”